Oak Street Baptist Church
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
To Know Him & To Make Him Known

Mission Projects and Events


Mission Projects and Events

     Oak Street Baptist Church is a 'mission-minded' congregation whose desire is to fulfill 'The Great Commission' of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We presently are number six in our state convention of churches for per capita giving to mission causes. OSBC annually gives between 35-47 percent of it's receipts to mission causes.

     Our pastor, who has since retired, led 2 teams on a mission trip to Calebasse, Haiti, where the teams built 2 houses for families in crisis, and held medical and optical clinics. More than two-hundred patients were seen at each clinic, and almost 300 pair of glasses were dispensed. The members of the congregation were challenged to raise $5,000.00 to build a house, and $16,523.00 was raised to pay for three houses to be completed by teams from others who followed us.
      The people of Haiti were so gracious and appreciative of the work we did there. May God receive the glory for all that will continue to be done there.